The mystery of Russian Pyramids


The mystery of Russian Pyramids
In the last two decades, some scientists have used the pyramid form in order to study the fluctuations in energetic and informational fields. In particular, near Moscow, two fiberglass pyramids were constructed to a height of 22 meters and 44 meters respectively. The metallic members in the construction and foundation are totally absent.

Wall thickness of the 22 m pyramid was 36 cm and at that of the 44 m pyramid was 70 cm and their weight is 25 and 55 tons. As we know, for the Great Pyramid of Cheops (the Great Pyramid of Giza), base to height ratio is equal to ? / 2. For fiberglass pyramids, this ratio is about 3 times lower, respectively 0.5.

The number ? was applied to Egyptian pyramids, was put in the geometry of the Pyramids long before its discovery by Pythagoras. Egyptologists have made great progress in understanding the lifestyle and thinking of ancient Egyptians seeking to penetrate inside the secrets of the pyramids, of their form and proportions.

Egyptologist Stephen Mehler says that the ancient Egyptians used the term Per-Neter for pyramid, which means House of Nature (Egyptian Neter and Latin Natur) or House of Energy and one of the main purposes of the Great Per-Neter was to generate, transform, and transmit energy.

Unsuspected and unusual effects induced by Russian pyramids

In the recent years, different teams from the Russian Academy of Sciences have conducted many experiments in the pyramids. Some of the most relevant experiments are enumerated below:

Professor S. M. Klimenko and Dr. D. N. Nosik, from Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, have studied the pyramid field’s effects on the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin. The object of investigation was venoglobulin – a polyvalent immunoglobulin preparation based on immunoglobulin G, used in intravenous infusions.

To determine the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin, they utilized the virus of encephalomyocarditis of mice. The antiviral activity of the drug is determined by its capacity to protect cells of the person from the cytopathic effect of the virus. In this study, venoglobulin was diluted in distilled water in two concentrations: 50 mg / ml and 0.5 mg / ml. Venoglobulin aliquots were deposited 24 hours prior to their contamination by the virus of encephalomyocarditis of mice. It was found that venoglobulin in concentration of 50 mg / ml inhibited the virus growth approximately three times.

Dr. N.B. Egorova at the Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia, studied the effect of the pyramid on living organisms. In this experiment, mice were contaminated with Salmonella typhimurium strain 415. It has been established that mice that were undergoing pyramid effect had much higher chance of survival than those who were not exposed.

At low doses, 60 % of mice held in the pyramid have survived, compared to 7% of unexposed mice. At contamination by large doses, accordingly 30 % of mice held in the pyramid have survived, vs. 3% of unexposed mice. In another experiment, mice were exposed to carcinogens. The risk of tumors in mice that drank water that was held in the pyramid was significantly lower than in mice that drank customary water.

Researchers from the Scientifically Manufacturing Union “Gidrometpribor” in Moscow, led by the director Efimovich Alexander Golod, conducted a series of experiments:

1) Within three winter months, inside the pyramid they placed some plastic vessels with distilled water. The water wasn’t frozen, keeping its fluidity even at -38°C. Similar behavior was observed in customary mineral water in plastic bottles. When the bottles were shaken, the water started to crystallize and quickly turned into ice.

2) In 1997, granite and crystal rings, subjected to the effect of the pyramid (which were under an exposure in the pyramid), have been circulated throughout the Moscow. By the beginning of 1999, have been made about 40 such rings; each ring contains from 50 up to 300 rocks with total weight from 20 to 200 kg. It is said that due to the protection of these rings, the chances of a devastating pandemic occurring throughout the Moscow are minimal and will drop with each year.

3) Within a radius of 150 km around the pyramid it was found a heightened degree of ionization of air.

4) Near a oil well, a small pyramid was established. A few days later it was found that the viscosity of the oil decreased by 30%, so the crude oil extraction capacity increased, the production rate of wells accordingly increased. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas have confirmed these changes.

5) Before sowing tens of thousands of hectares with more than 20 cultures, the seeds were held in the pyramid for several days. In all cultures, the increase of a crop was from 20 to 100 % higher than crops whose seeds were not exposed to the pyramid effect. When small rocks that previously were held down in the pyramid were placed around the crop, similar results were obtained.

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