What services provide the flexographic printing companies in UK?


What services provide the flexographic printing companies in UK?Perhaps anyone knows that printing is a complex industry, having many discrete segments which use unique technologies and have a distinctive customer base.

The core of the industry is the activities which are classified as ‘printing and service activities related to printing’. The category has, of course major sub-divisions such as ‘printing of newspapers’, ‘printing’, ‘bookbinding and finishing’, ‘composition and plate making’ and ‘other activities related to printing’.

Printing is used also in the packaging industry in the form of: labels attached to glass, metal, rigid plastic and other containers; direct printing onto sheets of carton board, paper, plastics and composite materials. Printed packaging or the flexographic industry has its own sub-divisions:

– Corrugated packaging – cardboard boxes for shipping goods made of layers of straight cardboard reinforced by a middle layer of corrugated board. It is usually printed as part of an integrated production process (in board manufacturing plants) because the product is bulky and relatively low value.
– Folding cartons – smaller cardboard or composite containers for packaging individual items. Companies dealing in this sector use higher quality print on higher quality materials.
– Flexible packaging, meaning sealed plastic bags and other non-rigid containers. This area uses distinctive raw materials, conversion processes and has different types of customers.
– Sheet fed packaging represent independent, non-integrated companies who make generally low-value products such as cardboard and rigid boxes and paper sacks by converting cardboard and paper

The main purpose of packaging is to contain, store and easily transport goods. Nevertheless, most packaging has print on it. This can be done in two ways: either printed directly onto the packaging substrate or on to a label.  The basis of the process lies beneath the need to convey information about the contents and, for the consumer to be persuaded to buy it.

Some facts and figures inform us that the paper/board packaging market in UK (which is almost entirely directly printed) had a value of £3.3 billion  back in 1996 and rose from 41% to 46% of the total packaging market during the previous decade. Print as a means of communicating information reveals itself as an important function of packaging.

The actual cost of a printed item typically is rendered by only 5-10% of the total cost of achieving this communication. Costs related to preparing the material to be printed, or those of holding stock and disposing of that which is waste (for instance, 30-40% of books and magazines produced remain unsold and returned for pulping), and of managing the entire chain are much higher. Thus, companies are orienting towards lowering production cost.

Some of the best flexo printing companies like BOBST, MARTIN, ASITRADE and RAPIDEX combine their developments to play a leading role in in providing cost-effective, quality aware solutions to the packaging industry. Another top company, DS Smith Packaging is the UK’s foremost corrugated packaging manufacturer.

Their product range offers almost every type of corrugated packaging – speciality designs, high volume transit cases, packs printed for decorative and POS applications, and heavy duty industrial products. The company attends thousands of customers, from multinationals to local businesses throughout the country.

Being so successful is guaranteed by a comprehensive production network, a comprising volume plants, sheet feeders and sheet plants. In addition, it provides also advisory services that enable customers to extract maximum value from their packaging. Focussed on packaging and paper, DS Smith Packaging is part of DS Smith PLC, a group with sales of approximately £2.1billion.

The companies mentioned so far, are only a few of the relevant suppliers in the industry and there are many more for sure, but in order to find the one that provides the best solutions to your needs take a look at: Printing-companies.org.

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