Every day, developers launch new wordpress themes. Some of theme are free, some of theme are premium, but all of them could help you build a great website.
There are advantages and disadvantages of free wordpress themes and also parallax Wordpress themes, and you cand find them all over the internet. In this article, we will try to find some steps to choose the best wordpress theme.
First of all, you should decide what type of website do you want to build. There are many wonderful themes and there are many weird themes. It’s important to have something in mind before you will start your journey for your best theme.
Try to draw up a list with required features. In order to get a good functionality of your website, you will probably need some features.
Some of them could be related to design and some other with your domain. You should make a list of all the features that you want. If you can find one of them, you will probably do with some plugins.
After you find some interesting themes, the next step is to find wich one offer the best support. You will be amazed, but there are lots of free wordpress themes that offer great support. Obviously, there are premium wordpress themes that are really great.
Even you will find a theme that seems the best, you shold not buy it until you have all the details about it. The most important things are:
• Pre and post sales support. You can find feedback from other clients about it;
• Responsive. All the themes should be responsive this days, because more that 50% of the trafic come from mobile dispozitives.
• Customization. You should buy a theme that can be easly customized. This way, even if you buy a theme that have thousands of downloads, you still can have your unique website.
• SEO, Speed and usability. The most important thing is to have a fast website, well optimized for Google and easy to use. Try to see all this things from the perspective of a user and you will find the best theme.